A Bible Belt beauty shares her shallowest and not so thoughts.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gobble Gobble Gobble!!!

I was driving home from a friend's house this morning. I had the windows rolled down, blasting music, having a good ol' time. Up ahead of me everybody is breaking and slowing down to about 30mph (in a 45) because there was a police officer nearby. The officer gets in the turning lane, and I, being sick of stupid people do a zig-zag around them about 5mph over the speed limit. I'm thinking 'Hey, it's just a cop, no need to freak out. And he's turning left anyways.'

Next thing I know, the officer gets out of the turning lane and is behind me, and I'm like "shit!"

Then the blue lights.

Now I'm really like "SHIT!!"

I pull down a side street and am looking for my driver's license with no luck when all of a sudden two hands slam down on my door (where the window is rolled down) and I hear "Happy Thanksgiving!!!" It was my friend Charles who was on duty. I was like "OH MY GOD!! You scared the SH*T out of me!!" I got out of the car and gave him a hug and had a good laugh with him.

There is an upside to having cop friends but there are dangers too! Their pranks are almost heart attack inducing!!

Happy Turkey Day!!!


Blogger Antonio from Italy said...

I'm late, but Happy Thanksgiving Day!
You friend has been a big prankster...
You made me recall the time when I pulled over in Ireland because police stopped me because I was using my camera while driving.
I thought I was doomed, but they let me go. I learned the lesson!!!

7:26 AM

Blogger Antonio from Italy said...

Lisa, thanks a lot for the very interesting link you posted to me, I love this kind of stories :-)
Check this one out, it's very similar

5:01 PM


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