A Bible Belt beauty shares her shallowest and not so thoughts.

Monday, February 06, 2006

So, Friday I had to leave the mural class early to get ready to go to this big birthday shindig we planned for Shiloh. (Which was awesome! Comedy show and Salsa dancing woo hoo!) I didn’t make the deadline that the other ladies did, but I could get away with it since the studio is in my basement. I’ve since taken advantage of being able to work at my own pace, and I’m not quite finished with the mural. Tomorrow morning I’ll be done. I am pretty pleased with what I accomplished, I have more talent than I was aware of. I can’t wait to start another! I’ve also found how completely soothing and peaceful it is to paint and listen to music. I could spend all day everyday in that studio; and hopefully with my new skills, I will get to spend more time in the studio with my mom. If you can make money off of painting I say cheers to that! (I'll post the finished product tomorrow.)

I talked to the most special wee man in the world today, my birth son. He’s three, and his attention span attests to that, so I didn’t get to talk to him much between his stints of showing off (and his mom saying “She can’t see you being silly”). When I did get to talk to him he had just gulped down a bunch of juice and told me he had the hiccups, and then exclaimed to me “I’m big now!” It’s been a year since I’ve seen him, and I’m completely surprised that he thought to tell me that. His vocabulary has grown so much since then. It’s so cute! Tiny, high-pitched voice with an Irish accent. It totally made my day!!


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