A Bible Belt beauty shares her shallowest and not so thoughts.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I’m painting this evening, and enjoying myself. I brought the laptop down because I have so much good music on there, and I like to hit shuffle. Sometimes it’s a little shocking though, because I’ll hear a long stream of chill music then all of a sudden DMX's "It's All Good" (“Love my N*ggas, but where’s my B*tches?......”) starts blaring out of the speakers. It messes with the mood. Oh well, that’s what I get for being eclectic. One thing I’ve never thought about at length until about two minutes ago, is that I have some music from some of my exes in there too. (Hence the voice in my head that says “I’ll never date another musician again.”) The thing is, is that their music doesn’t suck, they do. I still keep the music because I like it, and if the mood fits, I'll listen. I have to add too, that there’s only one thing worse than dating a musician, and that’s dating a crappy musician. Done that too. Or you could say, there's only one thing worse than a crappy boyfriend and that's a crappy musician boyfriend. “Yeah that’s great sweetie (what she really means is…“Step away from the guitar.”) Along with the whole mood changing dynamic is also this whole other world of 'ex-boyfriend mood changing dynamic', which often comes equipped with a HUGE eye rolling, and an immediate- Next! Sometimes I can't get to that button fast enough; cause not only do you hear them, you smell the Jack Daniels on their breath, and see that annoying greasy lock of hair that hangs over their eye. Lovely. Just thought I’d share. HaHa


Blogger Antonio from Italy said...

Sorry, I didn't realize of the link you gave to me.
I just returned the courtesy :-)
Have a good day!

3:44 AM


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